If you have performed any bulk task via the Bulk Device Actions dialog box (shown below), such as Updating Devices Over the Air Using the Jobs Feature, Creating a Group and Assigning Devices to It, Assigning or Removing Devices to/from a Group in Bulk, Moving Devices to a Different Account, or Exporting Device Passwords to Email, you can check on the progress of the activity as follows:
- After finishing the bulk action, click
in the banner (or the text "Bulk Activity" to the right of the icon).
Note: The bulk activity may be processed quickly or take several minutes, depending on the number of devices involved and the complexity of the operation.
The Bulk Activity Status window will open on the right side of the screen.
It will show all the bulk actions performed in the last two months in the account you are logged in to and its subaccounts, with the most recent activity on top.
Note: See Switching Accounts for details on how to change the account you are viewing.
These are the columns you will see in the grid:
- Entity Name: The name of the action, as assigned in the Activity Name field of the Bulk Device Actions dialog box.
- Created At: The date and time the activity was started.
- Created By: The username of the user who launched the activity.
- Status: The current state of the action, such as Completed for a task that has been successfully processed, Failed for one that had an error preventing its completion, Partial Success for a bulk action that was successful for some devices but not for others, and In Progress for an activity that is being processed.
- Entity Name: The name of the action, as assigned in the Activity Name field of the Bulk Device Actions dialog box.
- If you are checking all tasks with a certain status, such as Failed, you can apply a sort to the Status column. (See Sorting and Rearranging Columns if needed.)
If the action you are checking has a status of In Progress (which indicates that it is still being processed), you can check back later to see if it has finished, in which case it will have a Completed status.
If the activity you are verifying has a Failed status, you can check its details to see what caused it to not process correctly (as shown in the following step).
- To view the details of a particular task, click
at the far right of its row and then View.
The Bulk Activity Status View window will appear. The following is an example of a Schedule DeviceSync action:
Here are the available columns:
Note: The column headings depend on the type of activity. The first two columns will be Identifier Type and Identifier for applicable entities; if identifier and identifier type are not needed for the type of entities shown, Entity Name will be the first column.- Identifier Type: The type of device, such as ESN (electronic serial number).
- Identifier: The number that identifies the device, such as 467111111 (the actual ESN, in this example).
- Status: The current state of the action for that device, such as Success or Failed.
- Code: The error code for the failure. This column won't appear if the bulk action was a success for all its entities.
- Reason: An explanation of why the activity failed for this particular device, including the full error message. If the whole reason isn't showing in the grid (because it's too long to fit), you can place your cursor over the text to see a tooltip displaying the entirety of the message. This column won't appear if the bulk action was a success for all its entities.
- Last Modified: The date and time the activity was last changed.
- Features: The services that were enabled/disabled, such as CARGO - Disabled. You will probably need to mouse over this field to see the tooltip showing all the affected services. This column will appear ONLY for Service Enablement bulk actions.
- Entity Name: The device identifier, such as its ESN.
- Identifier Type: The type of device, such as ESN (electronic serial number).
- A job action window will look like this:
- The following is an explanation of these column headings:
- Task Order: The priority number of the task, as prescribed when the job was created.
- Task: The type of task, such as File.
- Task Description: The specific name of the firmware (in the example of a firmware update), such as VBU3-101-
- Devices Count: The total number of devices the job was created for. You can click the number to open the All Devices grid, which will list the included devices by ID, when they were last updated, their job status, and failed reason (if applicable).
- Completed: The number of devices the job has been finished for.
- Pending: The count of devices that still require tasks to be done.
- Failed: How many devices the job has failed on.
- Canceled: The device count for which the job was canceled.
- Progress Status: The current state of the whole job, such as In Progress if it is still being implemented.
- Task Order: The priority number of the task, as prescribed when the job was created.
Note: You can export the first page of activities listed in the Bulk Activity Status window to a CSV (comma-separated value) file by clicking at the top right of the grid. You can similarly export all the devices in the Bulk Activity Status View window, but that will automatically include all the devices for the activity in the CSV file instead of just the first page.