One primary feature of CTC Admin is the ability to update device files over the air (OTA), which is achieved through a job. A job can have multiple tasks (files), and you can add more after the job has initially been created. To add a job using the Provisioning module, follow these steps:

Note: You also can add a new job via the Devices screen, which entails your first selecting all the devices it will apply to and THEN creating the job itself. See Updating Devices Over the Air Using the Jobs Feature for details.

  1. Make sure that you are logged in to the account in which you want to place the new job. (See Switching Accounts for details on how to change the account you are viewing.)
  2. Click  on the left sidebar menu.
  3. Click Jobs on the flyout menu that appears.
    The Jobs screen will appear and list all the jobs in the account you are logged in to.
  4. Click Add New at the top right of the screen.
    The Create Job dialog box will appear.
  5. To add the devices the job applies to, click Add Devices at the top right, and in the Devices dialog box that will be displayed, follow these steps:
    Note: The available devices are those assigned to the account you are logged in to and its child accounts, if you have the View Subaccounts toggle selected. (Again, see Switching Accounts for details on how to change the account.)
    1. Locate the rows of the devices the job will affect.
      If necessary, you can use the Search feature to find them, as shown in Searching for Devices.
    2. Select the check boxes of the devices.
    3. Click Done.
      You'll be returned to the Create Job dialog box.
  6. Click the Device Type/File Type, App ID, and Version - App ID drop-down arrows and make the needed selections for the first task in the job.
  7. You can add a second task by clicking Add Task and repeating step 6 for its row.
  8. To change the priority order of a task, click  in its row and then select Move Up (to move it higher in the priority list) or Move Down (to move it down).
    Note: You can delete a task by clicking  on the overflow menu.
  9. You can add more tasks for the job by repeating steps 7 and 8.
  10. In the Job Name field, select the default text provided (such as "115 Devices with 2 Files") and type the name you would like to use for the job.
  11. Optionally, you can type a short description in the Description field.
    The Account Name field will be grayed out, as the new job will be placed in the account you are logged in to.
  12. When the job is ready to submit for the selected devices, click Create Job.