If the job you are creating has devices that are already involved in an existing job with the same file types, CTC Admin will detect the conflicts and warn you with the number of devices and their file types, such as "5 devices are already in progress with file types JPOD2 Config and LMU Firmware." At that point, you'll be presented with possible steps you can choose to resolve the conflicts. Here is one example of the Caution dialog box:

If the job has multiple file types involved in the detected conflicts, each type's will be presented separately. After you select the conflict resolution steps you want to take for the first file type, you click Next to see the second type's conflict issues (and so on).

In this dialog box, you can click X Devices to display the list of the devices that have a job conflict.

If one of the resolution choices fits your needs (such as Cancel Devices from Existing Jobs, Remove Devices from Current Job, or Ignore), select its radio button.

Note: If you don't like any of the presented fixes, you can click Cancel to cancel the job altogether.

Do so for all the conflicts and file types. As mentioned earlier, after you handle one file type, you click Next to see the next type's resolution options.

When you are finished, click Create Job (or Process, if you are using the Bulk Device Actions dialog box to add the job).