You can schedule a report using our new data and analytics system as follows:
- If you want to use custom filters for the report you need to schedule (such as a single subgroup or a different date range than the standard one), follow the steps in Customizing and Saving a Report Copy Using the New Platform, making sure to name the reconfigured report something different from its original title.
WARNING: DO NOT change the filters, sort order, or other features for the saved report after you have set the dates, groups, and such you want to use for the scheduled report. When the report runs at its scheduled time, it will use whatever filters and sort order you last ran the saved report with.
If you want to use the default parameters (or if you are knowledgeable with JAQL code/JSON queries — see the warning in step 7) for a report, you can skip that.
- In the sidebar menu on the left of the screen, click
- Click Report Scheduler on the flyout menu that appears.
A list of your scheduled reports will appear (if any).
- Click Add New Reports at the top left.
The Create New Report screen will appear.
- In the Report Name field, type a name for the report that will appear on the scheduled-reports screen, such as "Device Billing, Last 7 Days, Every Friday."
- Click the Dashboard drop-down arrow and select the report you want to schedule. If you reconfigured and saved a report in step 1, be sure to choose its name from the list!
Note: If you saved a report copy to use but don't see its name in the drop-down list, check the account you have selected in the Account Switcher. It must be the same account to which you saved the copied report. (See Switching Accounts for details on how to change your chosen account.)
Don't be confused by the term Dashboard here. This is not the CTC Admin Dashboard you navigate to by selectingat the top of the left sidebar menu; rather, our new reporting engine uses the term to refer to the different report types.
You can scroll down in the list to find your report. Alternatively, you can type part of the name in the Search bar to limit your results.
For the most part, all the legacy reports are also available in the new platform. - If you chose a saved customized version of the report, or if you want to use the default filters for the report (Include All selected for all parameters, with its usual date range [often the last seven days, excluding the current day]), skip down to step 8.
To reconfigure the report's parameters via code, follow these steps:
Warning: Currently, you should attempt this only if you are comfortable with JAQL code/JSON queries! In future updates, the parameters will be able to be modified using simple filters.- Select the Apply Customer Filters check box.
- Click Edit Report Filters.
- In the dialog box that opens, click Fetch Dashboard Filters.
The JAQL code for the report's options will be displayed.
- Make your changes to the code to modify the report's parameters.
- Click Apply.
- Select the Apply Customer Filters check box.
- In the Settings area, select the check boxes for the file formats you want to use for the scheduled report (on the Format tab).
Note: The first Excel option (Excel [Pivot Widgets]) is applicable only to summary reports. The second Excel option (Excel [All Dashboard Widgets into a Single File]) will work for any type of report. - Optionally, you can specify a server to archive the scheduled report to by clicking the Select Server drop-down arrow, selecting the server's name, and typing the destination folder on the /root/folder | C:\root\folder line.
Note: This step is optional only if you select recipients in your organization to receive the report in step 11. At least one of these must be entered in order to create the schedule.
See Setting Up an SFTP Server for the New Reports for details on how to configure an SFTP server. - Click the Recipients tab.
- Type (or copy and paste) the email address of the first person who should receive the report (such as yourself) in the Search field and then press Enter. You can repeat that for all the email addresses you need to add.
If CalAmp has synced your corporate emails with the reports system, you can search for a recipient's email address by typing part of their name in the Search field and then selecting their name from the list.
Note: You can remove a recipient by clickingto the right of their email address.
- You can specify responsible parties to receive any error messages about the report's scheduled run by typing (or copying and pasting) their email addresses in the Send Error Notification To field, making sure to separate each address with a comma.
- Click the Schedule tab.
- Leave Time Based checked.
- Select the 1 and type the time skip value.
- Click the Days drop-down arrow and select the time segment.
Note: For example, to set the report to run once a week, keep 1 as the time skip value and select Week as the time segment. - For Days, select the time value, type the new hour of the day, and skip down to step 20.
- For Week, follow these steps:
- Select the day of the week you want the report to run (and deselect the selected day, if you don't want that as well).
- Select the time value and type the new hour of the day.
- Skip down to step 20.
- Select the day of the week you want the report to run (and deselect the selected day, if you don't want that as well).
- For Months, follow these steps:
- In the Monthly on Day field, select the 1 and type the new day of the month to run the report (such as 15 for the report to run every month on the 15th).
- Select the time value and type the new hour of the day.
- In the Monthly on Day field, select the 1 and type the new day of the month to run the report (such as 15 for the report to run every month on the 15th).
- For the Time Frame options, click the Starts drop-down arrow, choose Select Date, and, on the calendar picker, select the month and day you want the report to start its scheduled runs.
Note: If you want the schedule to begin today, you can leave this at its default value (of the current day). - To have the report run for an indefinite period of time, click the Ends drop-down arrow and select Never.
To have the report run only up to a certain day, click the Ends drop-down arrow, choose Select Date, and, on the calendar picker, select the month and day you want the report to end its scheduled runs.
- Click Create Report at the bottom of the screen.
You'll be returned to the scheduled-reports screen, and your new schedule will appear in the list. Your email address will be displayed in the Owner Email column.
WARNING: Again, if you used a saved report to set certain filters and other feature changes, DO NOT change those filters or other settings (when you just want to run the saved report manually). Your schedule will run the saved report with the filters and sort order you last used for the saved report.