This article offers answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the Inventory Manager.

Does the Inventory Manager work with all CalAmp devices?

Yes, all devices are supported.

After I've activated my device in a specific region, can I change it to another region?

This feature is not currently available; however, we plan to implement this capability in a future CTC Admin release.

When is the best time for me to activate a device?

The best time to activate your device is before you install it or plan to start using it. Devices that aren't activated will not appear on the Devices screen or provide any telematics data.

I received a message about whitelisting Will this impact my operations in any way?

ONLY users using private APNs (access point names) and accessing the CalAmp platforms via the public internet are required to whitelist the address or for uninterrupted service. If you connect to CTC Admin using VPN (virtual private network)/NAT (network address translation), no changes are needed.

How does the Inventory Manager change the way I order with CalAmp in the future?

When submitting new purchase orders, you must specify a region (US, EU, or Inventory). If you select Inventory, you can activate your devices into an actual region (US or EU) at a later date. See Activating Provisioned Devices for more details.

Are APIs available? If so, where can I access them?

Yes, APIs (application programming interfaces) are available on our Developer Portal, which provides guides on what APIs you can access and how to use them.

Note: The bulk of the API documents on the Developer Portal are on the private side, which requires login credentials. If you need a login, contact your CalAmp customer success manager (CSM).

Will I need training before I will be able to use the Inventory Manager?

The Inventory Manager was designed to be intuitive and easy to use, but there is documentation and webinars you can attend for guidance. Go to Inventory Manager Training to register for a future webinar session and to the other articles in the folder An Introduction to the Inventory Manager, plus Activating Provisioned Devices, for details on using the feature.

Can the Inventory Manager automatically queue device firmware and scripts in CTC Admin?

Currently, files for CRAFs (customer release authorization forms) are loaded at the factory. CalAmp's long-term plan includes enabling the Inventory Manager to support ECRAF (electronic CRAF) initiatives by loading files as specified in the CRAF after the device has been shipped.

What does automatic device provisioning mean?

Automatic device provisioning involves the creation of a device object in your CTC account and configuring the device to send ID reports to the correct region. This process occurs automatically, without user interaction, as soon as the device is shipped.