The first section below covers how to view the details of an individual task, including its overall status (and the status of how each individual device has progressed through that task). The second section shows how to cancel a task.

Viewing a Task's Details

To see a task's details and the status of each device it applies to, follow these steps:

  1. Open the the details window of the job containing the task in question, as shown in Viewing the Details of a Job.
  2. Locate the row of the task.
    Each column will show how many devices currently have that status. You can expect these results in the Progress Status column:
    • Completed: The system has processed the task and successfully finished it.
    • Pending: The task was submitted but hasn't been processed by the system.
    • Failed: The system has processed the task but failed to perform it.
    • Canceled: The task was canceled by a user.
    • Canceling: The task has been set to be canceled by a user.
    • In Progress: The task is in the middle of being processed.
  3. For details about each device's status, in the task's row, click the link in the Devices Count column.
    A window will open that shows the status of each file on the devices.
    The Progress Status column will show these results:
    • Pending: The command has been constructed but not yet sent to the device.
    • Sending: The download URL has been sent.
    • Retry: The command was not fully successful but will be attempted again.
    • Partial Success: The command was successful in part but failed in some aspects.
    • Failed: The command was processed but failed.
    • Max Retries: The download was attempted and failed six times and therefore will not be tried again.
    • Throttled: The download speed has been slowed due to limited bandwidth.
    • Success: The command has been processed successfully and finished on the device.
    • Canceled: The task was canceled by a user for this device.
    • Discovered: The file was found.
    • Unknown: The status of the task for the device hasn't been reported to CTC.
    • In Progress: The command is in the middle of being processed for the device.
  4. You can click to close the All Devices window and then  in the task window if you are done reviewing the task's details.

Canceling a Task

You can cancel a task as follows:

  1. Open the the details window of the job containing the task in question, as shown in Viewing the Details of a Job.
  2. Locate the row of the task.
  3. Click  at the far right in its row to cancel it.
    Note: You won't be able to cancel a task that has already been completed or has failed. If you can cancel the task (such as if it is in progress),  will be displayed in its row.
    A warning dialog box will appear.
  4. Click Yes, Cancel.
    Warning: This will cancel the task for all the selected devices. You can cancel the task for just some devices by opening the All Devices window and clicking  in each device's row.
    The status of the task will change to Canceling.