In release 1.36, we made the new Jobs 2.0 Beta screen available to all users. Now, we have added other features that the legacy Jobs screen offered to the Jobs 2.0 page:

  • We added the overflow menu icon () to each row, with options to view the job’s details and cancel the job.
  • When you are viewing a job on its own tab, you will see the Cancel icon () in the row of each in-progress task, which enables you to cancel individual job tasks.

    In addition, you will see  in the task’s list of devices; this has a Cancel option, which enables you to remove that device from the job.

    Note: You won't be able to cancel a task or remove a device that has already been completed or has failed.  will appear in a task’s/device’s row only if you can cancel it.
  • In a task’s list of devices (on a job’s details tab), we made the device IDs clickable links that will open the Device Details window.
  • We are now populating the Description field on the job’s details tab (if one has been provided for the job).

WARNING! The legacy Jobs screen will be available alongside the new page for the next couple of months but will eventually be deprecated. Our current plan is to remove the old one sometime in March 2025, but that may vary.